abstract class AbstractDriver implements CacheDriverInterface (View source)
Class constructor
Get the driver name
Test the driver
Get item from cache
Save item into cache
Delete item from cache
Clear namespace or whole cache
Get multiple items from cache
Save multiple items into cache
Delete multiple items from cache
Check if item is in cache
Get cache driver statistics
at line 31
abstract AbstractDriver
__construct(array $configuration)
Class constructor
at line 36
Get the driver name
at line 45
abstract bool
Test the driver
The behaiour of this method may differ fro one driver to another. It could forward, for example, a dependency test, a in-cache test or both.
at line 50
abstract string|null
get(string $key, string $namespace)
Get item from cache
at line 55
abstract bool
set(string $key, string $namespace, mixed $value, int $ttl = null)
Save item into cache
at line 60
abstract bool
delete(string $key, string $namespace)
Delete item from cache
at line 65
abstract bool
clear(string $namespace = null)
Clear namespace or whole cache
at line 70
abstract array
getMultiple(array $keys, string $namespace)
Get multiple items from cache
at line 75
abstract bool
setMultiple(array $key_values, string $namespace, int $ttl = null)
Save multiple items into cache
at line 80
abstract bool
deleteMultiple(array $keys, string $namespace)
Delete multiple items from cache
at line 85
abstract bool
has(array $key, string $namespace)
Check if item is in cache
at line 90
abstract array
Get cache driver statistics
The behaiour of this method may differ fro one driver to another. Providers will transform data in a EnhancedCacheItemPoolStats object.