class ProcessTools (View source)
static bool
term(int $pid, int $lagger_timeout = 0, int $signal = SIGTERM)
Terminate a process, asking PID to terminate or killing it directly.
static bool
kill(int $pid)
Kill a process
signal($pid, $signal = SIGUSR1)
No description
static bool
isRunning(int $pid)
Return true if process is still running, false otherwise
static int
getNiceness(int|null $pid = null)
Get niceness of a running process
static bool
setNiceness($niceness, $pid = null)
Set niceness of a running process
static int
Get current process PID
at line 32
static bool
term(int $pid, int $lagger_timeout = 0, int $signal = SIGTERM)
Terminate a process, asking PID to terminate or killing it directly.
at line 56
static bool
kill(int $pid)
Kill a process
at line 63
signal($pid, $signal = SIGUSR1)
at line 75
static bool
isRunning(int $pid)
Return true if process is still running, false otherwise
at line 87
static int
getNiceness(int|null $pid = null)
Get niceness of a running process
at line 99
static bool
setNiceness($niceness, $pid = null)
Set niceness of a running process
at line 110
static int
Get current process PID